Our body can do what we need it to do when our mind feels safe
One of the biggest passions that has arisen from David's music pursuits is one for education. He wishes to provide an informed and well-rounded education to all of his students. During a typical lesson, students are introduced to history, industry, technique, psychology, and so much more, as all are necessary to give students the best education.

My Philosophies
These two philosophies inform and ungird everything I teach.
1. As an creator of music and art first, I educate from the perspective of purpose. Why was this piece created? What is this character feeling? What emotion was this song written to elicit? I believe that music ought to be a place for expression and to release emotions. I will always encourage creativity and reinvention. It is important to me that students understand that art should fit them, rather than vice versa. We especially discuss these things in relation to industry and real-world career expectations.
2. The mind affects the body. I put a very heavy emphasis on mind and body regulation in our execution of art. For instance, it is well-known that anxiety and anxious tendencies tend to restrict the body and lead to unwanted physiological responses. A key component to music execution (especially voice) is relaxation and approaching the piece from a position of security. I will continuously work to create an environment that my students find safety within. I want to work with the bodies AND minds of students to help them achieve their music goals.